Галлерейный бизнес


Tel.: +32 2 538 08 18 Fax: +32 2 538 56 60 Mobile: +32 475 47 14 02 rodolphejanssen@skynet.be www.galerierodolphejanssen.com Основана: 1990 Директора: Rodolphe Janssen, Sebastien Janssen, Frederic Collier, Stephanie Jezierski

05416-001 Sao Paulo Tel.: +55 11 30 32 70 66 Fax: +55 11 30 97 03 84 galeria@fortesvilaca.com.br www.fortesvilaca.com.br Основана: 2001 Директора: Alessandra Ragazzo D’Аloia and Marcia Fortes Rua Fradique Coutihno, 1360 05416-001 Sao Paulo Tel.: +55 11 30 31 60 07 Fax: +55 11 30 31 60 07 florence@millanantonio.com.br www.millanantonio.com.br Основана: 1986 Директора: Andre Millan, Florence Antonio info@galerialuisastrina.com.br www.galerialuisastrina.com.br Основана: 1974 Директор: Luisa Malzoni Strina Rua Paes de Araujo 77 04531-090 Sao Paulo Tel.: +55 11 31 67 56 21 Fax: +55 11 31 68 16 40 info@casatriangulo.com www.casatriangulo.com Основана: 1988 Директор: Ricardo Trevisan ВеЛИко БрИтАнИЯ Toby Webster Ltd (formerly The Modern Institute) Suite 6 73 Robertson Street Glasgow G28QD Casa Triangulo Galeria Millan Antonio Galeria Luisa Strina Rua Oscar Freire 502 01426-000 Sao Paulo Tel.: +55 11 30 88 24 71 Fax: +55 11 30 64 63 91 Mobile: +55 11 81 02 33

Galerie Meert Rihoux Rue du Canal 13 1000 Brussels

Tel.: +32 2 219 14 22 Fax: +32 2 219 37 21 Greta.meert@skynet.be Основана: 1988 Директор: Greta Meert

Guy Pieters Gallery Kustlaan 279 8300 Knokke

Tel.: +32 50 61 28 00 Fax: +32 50 61 56 07 Mobile: +32 495 226 226 info@guypietersgallery.com www.guypietersgallery.com Administration Edgard Gevaertdreef 10 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Tel.: +32 9 282 82 84 Fax: +32 9 282 05 62 albert@guypietersgallery.com

Galerie Guy Pieters c/o Lieven De Buck Chemin des Trious

06570 Saint-Paul de Vence Tel.: +33 493 32 06 46 Fax: +33 493 32 70 81 saintpaul@guypietersgallery.com Основана: 1981 Директора: Guy Pieters, Guy Dellaert, Lieven De Buck

БрАзИЛИЯ Galerie Fortes Vilaca

Tel.: +44 14 12 48 37 11 Fax: +44 14 12 48 32 80

Rua Fradique Coutinho, 1500 Vila Madalena

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